Friday, November 30, 2018


Together from the Roots+Wings Series by Sara Harley
divides us
but we stand
all times

In this image, two trees stand in a field. 

Together, yet each standing alone.

These trees represent my husband and me after he had a debilitating stroke. 

Together, but apart. Not healthy and green.

A pall covers the scene, which indicates troubles ahead.

A lone dove flies away. A sign of hope? Or despair?


Together is from my solo Roots+Wings exhibit held at the Margaret Hennigar Public Library in February 2018. Each image was paired with verse to represent emotions ranging from devastation through rejuvenation.

I believe trees represent growth and strength, with roots to ground us in our traditions. I see birds in flight as symbols of freedom, with the power of dreams and life renewed. Together, Roots + Wings create powerful images of inspiration and tools to heal the soul. These images are a symbolic representation of emotional healing, from devastation through rejuvenation.


To view the complete collection of images and verse from Roots + Wings click on this link.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018



my first walk
by silent wings
nature's sign
I am not forsaken
heart beats slow
anxious thoughts calm

My husband spent two months in the hospital in 2017 recovering from a major stroke. It was a devastating time for both of us. Any time not spent in the hospital was spent looking after our 3 animals and our home. It was an exhausting and painful time.

My first solo outing was to the beach. Beach walks have always grounded me when I needed it most. A beach is my "go to" place when I need to heal my spirit.


Hush is from my solo Roots+Wings exhibit held at the Margaret Hennigar Public Library in February 2018. Each image was paired with verse to represent emotions ranging from devastation through rejuvenation.

I believe trees represent growth and strength, with roots to ground us in our traditions. I see birds in flight as symbols of freedom, with the power of dreams and life renewed. Together, Roots + Wings create powerful images of inspiration and tools to heal the soul. These images are a symbolic representation of emotional healing, from devastation through rejuvenation.


To view the complete collection of images and verse from Roots + Wings click on this link.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Strength is from the Stroke of Emotions Series by Sara Harley

Strength -  
the quality or state of being strong, in particular: the emotional or mental qualities necessary in dealing with situations or events that are distressing or difficult

Strength is from the Stroke of Emotions Series I created in 2017.

In this image I am celebrating life. Trees and birds are powerful symbols for me. I believe trees represent growth and strength, with roots to ground us in our traditions. I see birds in flight as symbols of freedom, with the power of dreams and life renewed.

Monday, November 26, 2018


Hope is from the Stroke of Emotions Series by Sara Harley

1. a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
2. grounds for believing that something good may happen.

Hope is from the Stroke of Emotions Series I created in 2017.

In this image I am sitting in a room of decay. Over my shoulder, a butterfly flits by...a sign that life still holds beauty and there is a glimpse of hope.
Sometimes it's difficult to see anything positive in our situations because it can be just a fleeting moment. I believe that no matter how desperate times become, there is a glimmer of hope if you look hard enough.
You may not be able to see it yourself but, with help, you may be able to find it.

Sunday, November 25, 2018


Choices is from the Stroke of Emotions Series by Sara Harley
plural noun: choices
1. an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.

Choices is from the Stroke of Emotions Series I created in 2017.

Is your glass half empty, or half full? There comes a time when you have to let go of your negative emotions and move on.
If you can't let go, you won't be able to move forward and rebuild your life. If you don't rebuild your life, you will not be living.
You may need help to do this. Don't be afraid to ask.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Support is from the Stroke of Emotions Series by Sara Harley

1. a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright.
2. a source of comfort or encouragement.

Support is from the Stroke of Emotions Series I created in 2017.

Can you see the fear in my eyes? In this image I am afraid but experiencing my first feeling of comfort.
Supported by the hands of family and friends, I begin to feel that I am not alone to face my challenges.
The roses are a sign of life's beauty, but not without thorny challenges.

Friday, November 23, 2018


Contained is from the Stroke of Emotions Series by Sara Harley

con·tain past tense: contained
1. have or hold (someone or something) within.
2. control or restrain (oneself or a feeling).

Contained is from the Stroke of Emotions Series I created in 2017.

In this image I am beside myself with emotions. Anger, sadness, confusion, anxiety, despair.
I keep myself contained in a room of my own creation, unable to express my feelings to friends or family, unable to reach out for help.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Trapped is from the Stroke of Emotions Series by Sara Harley

past tense: trapped
1. prevent (someone) from escaping from a place.
2. something, typically a part of the body, held tightly by something so that it cannot move or be freed.

Trapped is from the Stroke of Emotions Series I created in 2017.

In this image I lay trapped under weathered drift wood. No longer alive and vibrant, the tree symbolizes a feeling of rootlessness, a feeling that life holds no solid ground.
Unable to move, and powerless, with no control over my environment, I wrap my arms around myself in a futile attempt of comfort.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Depression is from the Stroke of Emotions Series by Sara Harley

1. feelings of severe despondency and dejection.
2. a mental condition characterized by feelings of severe despondency and dejection, typically also with feelings of inadequacy and guilt, often accompanied by lack of energyand disturbance of appetite and sleep.

Depression is from the Stroke of Emotions Series I created in 2017.

In this image I sit alone. The empty box symbolizes my lack of connection with the world.
A lone crow looks down, perhaps an indication that bad things are trying to find me.
A tiny apple blossom lays behind me, a sign of hope if I could only see it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Isolated is from the Stroke of Emotions Series by Sara Harley

1. far away from other places, buildings, or people; remote.
2 having minimal contact or little in common with others.

Isolated is from the Stroke of Emotions Series I created in 2017.

In this image I am sitting alone on the roof top of a submerged building.
A lone crow deserts me, and I am left feeling isolated and alone, adrift in a sea of despair.

Monday, November 19, 2018


Lost is from the Stroke of Emotions Series by Sara Harley

1. unable to find one's way; not knowing one's whereabouts.
2. denoting something that has been taken away or cannot be recovered.

Lost is from the Stroke of Emotions Series I created in 2017.

In this image I am surrounded by the forest. The maze of trees symbolize the obstacles in my life.
Unable to find my way, and without any answers, I am uncertain and feeling lost.
The lone bird in the distance is a symbol that I am not alone, if I would only open my eyes to what is around me.

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Denial is from the Stroke of Emotions Series by Sara Harley

1. failure to acknowledge an unacceptable truth or emotion or to admit it into consciousness, used as a defense mechanism.

Denial is from the Stroke of Emotions Series I created in 2017.

In this image I am hiding my eyes to avoid the devastation around me.
My surroundings are in total disarray, and broken flower petals covering the floor symbolize that everything in my life is in pieces.

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Devastation is from the Stroke of Emotions Series by Sara Harley

1. great destruction or damage.
2. severe and overwhelming shock or grief.

Devastation is from the Stroke of Emotions Series I created in 2017.

In this image, I am crouching alone surrounded by total devastation.
The scene I chose to represent total devastation is an image from the clear cut of a forest, with a stormy sky in the background.
Crows circling high above, as well as closely approaching, signify a personal transformation.
Some people believe crows represent doom. Some people believe crows represent destiny,
or being fearless.
What does the story say to you?

Friday, November 16, 2018


Overwhelm is from the Stroke of Emotions Series by Sara Harley

1. bury or drown beneath a huge mass.
2. defeat completely.
3. have a strong emotional effect on, be too strong for; overpower.

Overwhelm is from the Stroke of Emotions Series I created in 2017.

In this image, I sit blindfolded in a boat without oars. Helpless to the environment that surrounds me, I am unprepared for the future and what it holds.
Do you ever feel helpless or overwhelmed?
I believe it's a natural part of dealing with emotional trauma.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Published! Seeing in Sixes 2018

2018 Seeing in SIXES
My book arrived today in the mail. Six images from my Stroke of Emotions series are featured in a six page spread, one of only 50 projects selected for publication from approximately 1500 entries. 

I am so very honoured about being included in this beautiful book, and proud of this achievement.

2018 Book Details
  • 312 Pages, 50 projects
  • Each project is 6 images exactly, in a 6-page spread
  • Both color and black-and-white projects and images
  • Introduction by Brooks Jensen
  • A great learning tool to help develop your own small projects
  • 9” tall x 8” wide, larger than LensWork
Click on this link to view more details.