Friday, November 30, 2018


Together from the Roots+Wings Series by Sara Harley
divides us
but we stand
all times

In this image, two trees stand in a field. 

Together, yet each standing alone.

These trees represent my husband and me after he had a debilitating stroke. 

Together, but apart. Not healthy and green.

A pall covers the scene, which indicates troubles ahead.

A lone dove flies away. A sign of hope? Or despair?


Together is from my solo Roots+Wings exhibit held at the Margaret Hennigar Public Library in February 2018. Each image was paired with verse to represent emotions ranging from devastation through rejuvenation.

I believe trees represent growth and strength, with roots to ground us in our traditions. I see birds in flight as symbols of freedom, with the power of dreams and life renewed. Together, Roots + Wings create powerful images of inspiration and tools to heal the soul. These images are a symbolic representation of emotional healing, from devastation through rejuvenation.


To view the complete collection of images and verse from Roots + Wings click on this link.