Wednesday, November 28, 2018



my first walk
by silent wings
nature's sign
I am not forsaken
heart beats slow
anxious thoughts calm

My husband spent two months in the hospital in 2017 recovering from a major stroke. It was a devastating time for both of us. Any time not spent in the hospital was spent looking after our 3 animals and our home. It was an exhausting and painful time.

My first solo outing was to the beach. Beach walks have always grounded me when I needed it most. A beach is my "go to" place when I need to heal my spirit.


Hush is from my solo Roots+Wings exhibit held at the Margaret Hennigar Public Library in February 2018. Each image was paired with verse to represent emotions ranging from devastation through rejuvenation.

I believe trees represent growth and strength, with roots to ground us in our traditions. I see birds in flight as symbols of freedom, with the power of dreams and life renewed. Together, Roots + Wings create powerful images of inspiration and tools to heal the soul. These images are a symbolic representation of emotional healing, from devastation through rejuvenation.


To view the complete collection of images and verse from Roots + Wings click on this link.