Tempest |
emotional onslaught
swirling, battling
through this storm
of life
Sometimes life feels like a battle, with everything working against you.
Persevere, and you will overcome the elements.
Tempest is from my solo Roots+Wings
exhibit held at the Margaret Hennigar Public Library in February 2018. Each
image was paired with verse to represent emotions ranging from
devastation through rejuvenation.
believe trees represent growth and strength, with roots to ground us
in our traditions. I see birds in flight as symbols of freedom, with
the power of dreams and life renewed. Together, Roots + Wings
create powerful images of inspiration and tools to heal the soul. These
images are a symbolic representation of emotional healing, from
devastation through rejuvenation.
To view the complete collection of images and verse from Roots + Wings click on this link.