Sunday, June 10, 2018

Exhibit booklet

One important thing I would recommend to anyone having an exhibit is to prepare a catalogue or booklet of all your images, along with a bit of information about your exhibit and about yourself. Have this available for people to purchase, especially if you will be having an opening or making a presentation during your show.

I didn't do this for my first solo exhibit....mistake!

But I did do it after the fact, and it did come in handy.

The two series I created (Stroke of Emotions and Roots+Wings) were featured online by PhotoEd Magazine at the end of April in honour of Mental Health Week. Here is the link if you'd like to read it:

I decided to send a copy of the booklet to the editor as a thank you....a small expense, but one with a big impact. The booklet was featured on their instagram account and the editor kindly sent me the photos they used. It's always great to great some extra exposure.

Roots and Wings booklet by Sara Harley

Roots and Wings booklet by Sara Harley

Roots and Wings booklet by Sara Harley

If you would like to view the booklet online click on this link and then click on "Preview".

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