Friday, April 27, 2018

Back in the saddle?

As a family, we have settled into a new routine after my husband's stroke 10 months ago. On the whole, things are good and we are very, very lucky. We have our not so good days, but then everybody I know can say the same thing.

However, I seem to be in a slump when it comes to creativity. Months have gone by, and I drift without any real purpose. Other than an afternoon spent trying to capture snowy owls with my camera in mid winter, I have not taken my "real" camera out of its case this year.

Despite not taking photographs, February was a month of photography for me. I held my first ever solo exhibit called "Roots + Wings". I conducted a one hour presentation at the library during this exhibit, something I was terribly nervous about but, judging by the written feedback I received, it was a great success.
I also had five of my images from a series I call "Stroke of Emotions" featured in an exhibit called Picturing Health at the Viewpoint Gallery in Halifax. 

One of my images was chosen by a reporter to include with a write up about the exhibit in our provincial newspaper.
So...things were happening. Just not things with my camera. However, I'm not a camera snob, and have been taking the odd snaps with my point and shoot or my cell phone.

I was feeling a little fed up with facebook, so in January I started up an instagram identity to post some images. I'm not sure what I think about instagram. I continue to post there ( now and then as I figure out just what I want to do with my photography.

I'm not sure why I feel the need to define what I want to do with photography, but that's me being me I guess. I seem to have a need to share some photographs and one of my thoughts is to start back blogging again, hence this post.

I did decide to make a book of my favourite photos I create this year and will choose 50 photos to include. I have posted some of them on my instagram account, and my plan is to start posting them here as well with a few thoughts. promises here, but I may just post a photo now and then and blab on about something that pops in my mind.  How's that for commitment?


  1. It's good to have a place to "... blab on about something that pops in my mind..."

  2. Blab away kiddo. I love your posts. Hugs.


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