Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Whisper, from the Roots and Wings Series by Sara Harley
your worries
into the wind
and the wings
of a dove
will carry them

When you are going through a crisis, no matter what the crisis is, find someone to talk to. They won't be able to fix your problems. But just verbalizing your thoughts can lighten the burden your mind is carrying.

This is very, very important.

You need to find a way to release your feelings, or you will be facing even bigger problems. Keeping your feelings trapped inside affects your health and well being.

If you are not good to yourself, you won't be good to anyone else either.

Whisper is from my solo Roots+Wings exhibit held at the Margaret Hennigar Public Library in February 2018. Each image was paired with verse to represent emotions ranging from devastation through rejuvenation.

I believe trees represent growth and strength, with roots to ground us in our traditions. I see birds in flight as symbols of freedom, with the power of dreams and life renewed. Together, Roots + Wings create powerful images of inspiration and tools to heal the soul. These images are a symbolic representation of emotional healing, from devastation through rejuvenation.


To view the complete collection of images and verse from Roots + Wings click on this link.