Sunday, February 11, 2018

Artist Talk

The Picturing Health exhibit at the Viewpoint Gallery is a group exhibit with photographs by 10 photographers. I have five images displayed at this exhibit, the maximum accepted by the jury. I am very proud of this achievement, and it's the first time that I have been paid to show my work!

Today was the artists' talk, with only four of us attending. I'm always nervous talking in front of a crowd, but it's relatively easy to talk about your own work.

Here are some photos from the afternoon.
Sara Harley speaks at the Picturing Health Exhibit, Viewpoint Gallery
Sara talking at the Picturing Health exhibit, photo by Roxanne Smith
Sara Harley with Doug Pope (Robert Pope Foundation)
Sara with Doug Pope (Robert Pope Foundation), photo by Sybil Nunn
Picturing Health Exhibit, Viewpoint Gallery
Steve Phillips, Barb Blakey, Doug Pope, Roxanne Smith, Sara Harley, photo by Sybil Nunn
Picturing Health exhibit at Viewpoint Gallery
my five images from Stroke of Emotions hanging at the Picturing Health Exhibit
Picturing Health exhibit book
Picturing Health exhibit book
Picturing Health exhibit sign

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