Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Colour vs Black&White

Our son from Toronto visited us last week. While he was here, he graciously co-operated in a couple of photo shoots. We made a trek to a local abandoned satellite station site...a place I have heard about for a number of years but have never gone to. I had directions from a member of my local photo club. She failed to mention that we had to walk about 1 kilometer to reach the site...good thing I had my walking shoes on!

I took quite a few photos, and have only processed some of them.  Of course, the whole point of graffiti is the beautiful colours...a great backdrop for photographs. 

However, I wanted some photos that had a lonely and moody feeling, so I lean toward the black and white.
same photo in black and white
I'm not sure my son was thrilled with the location...we picked 5 ticks off him...4 at the site, and 1 when we returned home. The pleasures of shooting on location!


  1. Isn't Lunenburg the tick capital of Nova Scotia anyway ? Ya learn to just check when ya get home. Love the photos. You gonna take ME there ?

  2. I like both versions. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)


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