Friday, April 29, 2016

Rescue Me - Sight & Sound Essay

My photography club has a few competitions, all of which are voluntary. This year, I entered two competitions. I showed you my "Silent Essay" competition a few weeks ago (Gourds). This is my entry for the "Sight and Sound" competition....a challenge where we set our photographs to music. The photos are abandoned buildings in Nova Scotia and I have used the song "Tightrope" by Lynne Hanson. I love her music, and have seen her in Ontario as well as a couple of times in Nova Scotia. The music has been used with her permission. Here is the video on YouTube if you want to see it in a bigger format.

Rescue Me:

Lynne is such a great person. I contacted her before I shared the video online, and here is her response to my request for permission to publish it using her song: 

Hey Sara,
So great to hear from you.   And I really do need to get back out to the East coast.  It's been way way too long!!
I took at look at your photo essay.  What a collection of incredible shots!  Love love love it. Especially that shot of the bridge.   If I was a judge you'd win for sure.
Feel free to distribute as you see fit.  It's an honour to have my music used for a project like this - you made my day :-)


  1. Absolutely fabulous - and perfect choice of music. You are very talented.

  2. Sarah, this is just beautiful. The photographs and the music both moved me, made me smile and feel sad, too - and inspired me. Thank you.

  3. Sara, I have shared this far and wide and let me tell you that you have got some real fans of your work out there ... Oh ... and I'm one of them.


It's great to hear from you! I appreciate your comments.